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International Tea Day

Image for International Tea Day


1. A minor miracle
With over 20,000 different types of tea available around the world, it's incredible that the tea plant from which the leaves are derived, Camellia sinensis, only has six types.

2. The World's Most Expensive Tea
The most expensive tea in the world is China's 'The Big Red Robe,' which costs $1.2 million per kilogram.

3. What a Novel-tea this is!
The first tea-bags were invented in 1908 as a result of an accident involving samples of tea packaged into silk bags.

4. Various Flavors
Bubble Tea or tapioca is currently the most popular tea in China, whereas chai is popular in Pakistan and sweet iced tea is popular in the United States.

5. What is Turkish Delight?
You'd think that the British drink the most tea, but it's the Turks who consume the most.


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