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International Men's Day

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1. Make a donation to a men's charity.
There are numerous organizations committed to assisting guys in living better lives. The Gay Men's Health Crisis works to prevent HIV/AIDS from spreading and to help HIV-positive people improve their health and independence. (Despite its name, it also helps heterosexual males.) The Sean Kimerling Testicular Cancer Foundation promotes testicular cancer awareness and emphasizes the significance of regular self-examination. The ManKind Initiative, meanwhile, is committed to assisting males in escaping and recovering from domestic violence and abuse.

2. Learn more about some of the world's most powerful men who aren't well-known.
Consider reading a book or seeing a film about a remarkable man whose life and achievements continue to have an impact on the world today. Dr. Daniel Hale Williams, the second man in history (and the first black man) to perform a successful open-heart surgery, is the subject of The Black American Experience. Alan Turing, the man who invented modern computing and helped end World War Two, is the subject of The Imitation Game, a compelling and dramatic depiction. Which of the world's most powerful men would you wish to learn more about?

3. Examine your relationships with the guys in your life.
Building great relationships with men is a big objective, but it all started small. Check in with your male relatives and friends to see how they're getting along. Half the battle is won if we're content at home.


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